"Well Ryan have an independent sight of mind, caring, observant, intelligent, as she understand most things people do not, but at same time don't always have confidence in herself. She don't like being pinned up, she like to get out and about physically and psychologically, she enjoys freedom". -Galen Hallcyon

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Today is Nikola Tesla's birthday! For those who don't know, Tesla was instrumental in giving us the modern world as we know it. He came up with alternating current, making modern electrical networks possible. Without him, we likely not only wouldn't be able to power our computers, but we'd also not have the networks many of us use to connect to the internet. Tesla laid the groundwork for our modern understanding of wireless communications. Aside from being a great scientist, he was also fluent in several languages, and incredibly intelligent. Let's celebrate his birthday and remember what a great man he was; Happy birthday Tesla! 

Tesla in his laboratory, 1916, in 8th West 40th Street, New York City

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