"Well Ryan have an independent sight of mind, caring, observant, intelligent, as she understand most things people do not, but at same time don't always have confidence in herself. She don't like being pinned up, she like to get out and about physically and psychologically, she enjoys freedom". -Galen Hallcyon

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Monday, September 24, 2012

Saturday, August 25, 2012

"This is one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."

Today we have lost one of the great ones, rest in peace Neil Armstrong , I will always look up to you.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Awesome Silver Certificate dollar! (meaning it was backed up by $1 worth of U.S. silver. Until 1968, you could turn them in for silver bullion). Today it is only worth $1.25 - $1.50, but what matters is that is fine piece of history. 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Today is Nikola Tesla's birthday! For those who don't know, Tesla was instrumental in giving us the modern world as we know it. He came up with alternating current, making modern electrical networks possible. Without him, we likely not only wouldn't be able to power our computers, but we'd also not have the networks many of us use to connect to the internet. Tesla laid the groundwork for our modern understanding of wireless communications. Aside from being a great scientist, he was also fluent in several languages, and incredibly intelligent. Let's celebrate his birthday and remember what a great man he was; Happy birthday Tesla! 

Tesla in his laboratory, 1916, in 8th West 40th Street, New York City

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The biggest financial scam in the history of the world.

"Explain it like I'm five" explanation:

LIBOR (the London InterBank Offered Rate) is the rate at which banks charge each other to lend to each other. A committee made up of 16 banks
(some sources say "up to 18") determines the average rate which the banks (within this committee) have been charging each other, and report that as the LIBOR. These numbers are self-reported and are not necessarily based on real trades. They "throw out" the highest four and lowest four numbers and average the remaining eight to make the LIBOR.
Why do we care about the banks trading? Banks lend to each other "to either make a profit or cover any short-term cash shortfalls on the part of the borrower." The banks who are lending the cash make extra profit. If banks have to raise interest rates for lending funds, it means the lending bank is less confident in the loan. This is meant to reflect "the health of the wider banking sector."
For Europeans, you may be familiar with Euribor. This is the equivalent.
However, this committee has been, evidently, lying about it, in both directions (higher and lower than reality.) Because of the fact that numbers are thrown out, it means that it's possible more than just one or two banks are falsifying their numbers.
Effectively, they've been falsifying their credit scores. They've been doing so to make money. Now, "in many cases", these falsifications were made to push rates down, so consumption would go up. They also did this to mask how much financial stress they were under: if they lowered interest rates, it would make them seem more confident. Again: higher consumption, more profit. However, they pushed them higher on many other occasions. They do this, from the evidence we have, at the request of traders. (Comment with more detail on how they make money off this.)
"Every interest rate in the world is based on LIBOR." Ok, not every single one. But "some mortgages and loans are directly linked to the Libor rate." Most of the remaining loans are at least influenced by it, as it is often used as a benchmark, especially for commercial mortgages and loans.
Individual sources of blame aren't clear yet. The recently-quit chief executive of Barclays Plc "blam[ed] a group of 14 traders out of 2,000" and claimed that he "didn't know about their activities until a week before regulators published their findings." However, these requests and exchanges had been going on for years, so there's a lot of questions around why it took so long to come out. This particular bank (Barclays) seems to have born the brunt of the news flurry: I couldn't find much mention of other banks aside from the Bank of England. I did find a reference to an ongoing US aggregated lawsuit against a dozen (+) banks (including Citigroup and BofA), accusing them of this same behavior (reference). However, as this is currently evolving news, it's possible more banks could come under scrutiny. Several others have been implicated thus far: UBS, RBS and Citibank.
TL;DR: LIBOR is the bank-to-bank lending rate. It's self-reported and easy to fake. It has a wide influence in the lending market. We know for sure that traders within one bank faked and manipulated their LIBOR numbers to maximize profits. They did so at the request of other traders.

Sources: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-18622907
"..And I could never understand national or ethnic pride, because to me Pride should be reserved for something you achieve on your own. Being Irish isn't a skill, it's a fucking genetic accident. You wouldn't be proud to be 5'11". You wouldn't be proud to have a pre-disposition for colon cancer."
-George Carlin

Just saying.

Now that there's some good evidence for the Higgs boson maybe people should stop calling it the "God Particle".

Monday, June 18, 2012

Circling Manhatthan

Today I did a 35 miles walk, 32 miles of circling Manhattan (walking around the island completely) and the other 3 from the highland park, crossing the George Washington bridge back and forth and going in a park in New Jersey to do a little hike. I honestly don't feel both of my legs right now, but I regret nothing :).

Sincerely, my legs

Friday, June 15, 2012

Turtle pond in central park

Yesterday I went rollerblading with Alex and Ethan in central park, we then went exploring around central park and visited the Turtle Pond and the Balvedere Castle, we also went into the woods. Later on we took the train downtown to Union Square and went to grab a bite at Vanessa's Dumplings then we headed to Saint Marks to get some pizza, later we rested in the grass of Washington Square park which it was hosting a movie night. They were playing the 1962 first version which is french of my favorite movie "Wars of the buttons". I personally prefer the 1994 Irish version, since that was the first one I saw when I was 4 and the first one that captivated me. It was a perfect day, and they will be many more to come.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Invisible children Kony 2012 campaign is everywhere!

I found a few poster like the one above around the city and saw a quite significant amount of people wearing the Kony 2012 t-shirts.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012


I just love how we look alike

Funny duck face :P

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Carl Sagan

15 years ago, we lost one of our greats. RIP Carl Sagan.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Space: My favorites.

NGC 6914
Light Echoes from V838 Mon

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mongolian Stuff, swan stuff, wolf stuff and unpopular language books? Any ideas? Perhaps it wont hurt to learn some zulu..

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I also agreed with the message hahaha.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Birthday Poem/Thought.

To my little turtle.
I love you more than everything.
I can't stop thinking about you, you
lighten up my life with your shining radiance and beauty.
You really are the most beautiful.
Every moment with you is an eternity of joy.
Every moment with you never ends (because is infinite)
So these infinities interlap; but since joy is a single quantity,
and since infinity last forever, one moment with you is a lifetime of joy,
but since moments can add up, and joy is like snow, a blanket term for similar but
distint concepts/things. So each moment is a truly unique experience extending
into endlessness.
My most beautiful goddess, you are my universe.
I love you more than everything and even more than that!!!
- Written By V. S

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Monday, March 23, 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Cosmos Carl Sagan~.

Friday, March 14, 2008

How fascinating! Happy birthday Einstein and happy Pi day everyone!

"One should not pursue goals that are easily achieved. One must develop an instinct for what one can just barely achieve through one's greatest efforts." - Albert Einstein.